IDF response to the proposed withdrawal of diabetes technical regulations in Mexico

03 July 2023

On 2 June 2023, the Secretariat of Health in Mexico announced the proposed withdrawal of mandatory technical regulations, Official Mexican Standards (NOMs), including the NOM-015-SSA2-2010 issued to prevent, treat and control diabetes.

Following this announcement, the Federación Mexicana de Diabetes (Mexican Diabetes Federation), an IDF Member, requested that IDF contact the Mexican Secretary of Health and inquire why the NOM is proposed for withdrawal. IDF further inquired if plans were underway to replace the NOM. Below is the letter (in Spanish) sent by Prof Akhtar Hussain, IDF President, to Dr Alcocer Varela, Secretary of Health in Mexico.

Diabetes in Mexico

The prevalence of diabetes in Mexico stood at almost 17% in 2021, according to the 10th edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas. This means that one in six people, or 14 million Mexican adults (20-79) live with diabetes. The condition is expected to affect over 21 million people by 2045. Along with this, 11 million adults in Mexico have Impaired Glucose Tolerance, which places them at greater risk of type 2 diabetes. While the nation struggles to keep up with current cases, estimates indicate that almost one in two (47.5%) adults living with diabetes in Mexico are undiagnosed. These undetected cases go untreated, increasing the risk of life-threatening complications and leading to higher healthcare spending and costs.

Download the letter


IDF response to proposed withdrawal of diabetes technical regulations in Mexico

A letter by the IDF President requesting clarification on the proposed withdrawal and assurance that people with diabetes in Mexico will not experience disruptions in the care and services they need.
Mexico NOM - letter to Secretary of Health pdf 152KB

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