Ehab Ali (Bahrain)

Author: Ehab Ali

When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it took me a very long time to understand how to live with my condition. Hearing stories and testimonies from other people with diabetes touched my heart and motivated me to speak about diabetes and promote healthier lifestyles.

As a BCV advocate, I can positively change people’s lives. Through the BCV network, I can reach more people, share my knowledge with them, and learn from them. The message I want to deliver to the world is that diabetes is not a disease but a lifestyle—a lifestyle that people living with diabetes and their loved ones can adapt to. 

“When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it took me a very long time to understand how to live with my condition. Hearing stories and testimonies from other people with diabetes touched my heart and motivated me to speak about diabetes and promote healthier lifestyles.”