Ruslan Zakiyev (Kazakhstan)

Author: Ruslan Zakiyev

Both my sons live with type 1 diabetes. They were diagnosed in 2004, nine months apart. By joining the Blue Circle Voices network, I have found a platform to share my experience as a parent caring for children with type 1 diabetes. My story shows that much of what we think we are inventing for our children has, in fact, already been done in other countries. This sharing of experiences has empowered me and others in our journey.

A striking example is my foundation’s project, ‘Mentors’. This project is not just a support system but a lifeline for families, specifically parents whose child was recently diagnosed with diabetes. Families with children living with diabetes share their long-term lived experiences to support and train parents on the ins and outs of daily living with diabetes, making a significant difference in their lives. 

“Both my sons live with type 1 diabetes. My story shows that much of what we think we are inventing for our children has, in fact, already been done in other countries. This sharing of experiences has empowered me and others in our journey.”