
iCaReMe registry study outcomes

These posters from 2021 - 2023 present data findings from the iCaReMe study.
TakeCaReofMe Posters 2021-2023 pdf 4MB

DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR)

The iCaReMe registry is the continuation of the DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR) with an expansion on cardio-renal complications. DGR provides valuable insight into people with type 2 diabetes undergoing treatment in clinical practice. This registry helps to understand the patterns and effects of treatment approaches on cardio-renal-metabolic multimorbidities. It also aims to increase the real-world evidence base established by the DISCOVER study.
iCaReMe DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR) pdf 2MB

Diabetes Eye Health: A guide for health professionals

Guide developed by the International Diabetes Federation and the Fred Hollows Foundation that builds upon the ICO Guidelines for Diabetic Eye Care. This guide encourages and facilitates good diabetes management, early diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye disease, as well encouraging integration and cooperation across the health system.
attachments-46.pdf pdf 4MB

Diabetic Retinopathy Barometer

The Diabetic Retinopathy Barometer is a study of almost 7,000 adults with diabetes and health care professionals from 41 countries. It highlights the urgent need for clear patient care pathways and robust, responsive health systems around the world to prevent unnecessary vision loss associated with diabetes.
attachments-41.pdf pdf 37MB