ODF 2025 Bangkok April

1 in 10 people are living with diabetes

Our mission is to improve the lives of people living with diabetes and prevent diabetes in those at risk.

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The voices of people with lived experience of diabetes

Cyrene Manansala (The Philippines)

By sharing my story of hope and healing, I can inspire others like me and younger children with type 1 diabetes, and emphasise the importance of community support in our journey.

Iqra Javaid Ch (Pakistan)

As a person living with type 1 diabetes, I need insulin to live. However, accessing insulin in Pakistan can be difficult, especially in rural areas. To address this issue, a pilot project for diabetes care was launched in Pakistan, "Insulin for All", which provides home insulin delivery to children with type 1 diabetes in three districts of the Punjab province.

Benjamin Mafale (Zambia)

As a medical professional and a member of the Blue Circle Voices (BCV), I believe effective communication can give a voice to everyone who wants to advocate for those living with and impacted by diabetes. 

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Online course

Nerve health and diabetes

Free online course designed for people with diabetes and their carers to help understand the impact of diabetes on nerve health and delay or prevent nerve complications.
link to https://understandingdiabetes.org/nerve-health/en Access the course

KiDS global survey on government policies addressing diabetes at school

In 2024, IDF invited its member associations to participate in a global survey on the reach of diabetes-related educational initiatives and policies in schools, to identify gaps and determine which countries have a policy implementation plan or policy and which do not.
KiDS Member Survey Report-Final pdf 4MB