IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition 2021

The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition provides detailed information on the estimated and projected prevalence of diabetes, globally, by region, country and territory, for 2021, 2030 and 2045.
link to Download
Position statement

International Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of People with Diabetes

Published in 2011, this is the first ever Charter setting out the fundamental rights of people living with diabetes. The document places the rights of people with diabetes, their parents and carers into three focus areas; the rights to care; information and education and social justice, whilst at the same time acknowledging the responsibilities held by people with diabetes.
attachments-1.pdf pdf 517KB

Highlights of the first BCV consultation

In December 2016, IDF held a consultation with the Blue Circle Voices network with the objective of establishing the priorities of the network. Some 82 participants from 43 different countries responded to the survey. The main issues identified by members was access and affordability of medicines, devices and medical care, followed by education, prevention and discrimination.
attachments-8.pdf pdf 7MB

Highlights of the second BCV consultation

In June 2017, IDF held a second consultation with members of the IDF Blue Circle Voices network, focusing on barriers to access to diabetes care, medicines and supplies. Some 70 participants from across the world responded to the survey, identifying affordability as the main barrier.
attachments-10.pdf pdf 363KB

IDF diabetes advocacy toolkit UN High Level Meeting on NCDs 2018

This toolkit for IDF members provides information and tools to successfully engage with national policymakers to demand stronger action on diabetes on the road to the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs 2018.
Advocacy toolkit to the UN HLM 2018 pdf 7MB
Policy brief

Integrating Diabetes Evidence into Practice

This publication of the IDF Europe Region identifies the local and European-wide challenges of implementing diabetes evidence into practice and makes recommendations based on the findings.
attachments-11.pdf pdf 3MB
Policy brief

Perspectives of people living with diabetes

In December 2016, IDF held a consultation with the Blue Circle Voices (BCV) network to establish the priorities of the network. The main issues identified by BCV members were access and affordability of medicines, devices and medical care; education; prevention and discrimination. This document presents the four priorities with an IDF call to action to governments to improve them.
attachments-12.pdf pdf 914KB
Policy brief

IDF policy recommendations to improve diabetes care

On the occasion of the BRICS Leaders Summit in China, 3-5 September 2017, IDF worked with its Members and BCV members in Brazil, South Africa and Russia to develop policy recommendations to improve access to diabetes care in their countries.
attachments-13.pdf pdf 174KB

A Guide to National Diabetes Programmes

Published in 2010, this guide builds on the 2003 NDP Toolbox and sets out considerations and source material for developing and implementing national diabetes programmes.
attachments-14.pdf pdf 920KB
Policy brief

Diabetes and Climate Change Report

Published in 2012, this report outlines the interconnections between climate change and diabetes, establishes the co-benefits of combating two global risks in an integrated policy agenda, and informs the global discussion on health and sustainable development.
attachments-15.pdf pdf 8MB

IDF Response to the 3rd UN HLM on NCDs Political Declaration

The Third UN High Level Meeting (HLM) on NCDs took place on September 27, 2018, in New York. Although IDF welcomed several aspects of the Political Declaration, it also regretted some notable omissions. This report provides a detailed response to the Political Declaration.
attachments-20.pdf pdf 3MB
Position statement

Prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the school environment

Type 2 diabetes accounts for around 90% of all diabetes and is increasingly prevalent in children and adolescents. This IDF position statement focuses primarily on the role that education systems and school environments should play in the prevention of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes.
attachments-22.pdf pdf 813KB

IDF Annual Report 2019

An overview of IDF activities in 2019. Discover what makes IDF the global voice of diabetes and learn more about our programmes and activities to inform policy development.
attachments-23.pdf pdf 11MB
Policy brief

Pressure Points: Call for simultaneous action on diabetes and hypertension for more resilient health systems

This policy brief, developed by IDF, the NCD Alliance and the World Heart Federation, makes the case for simultaneous action on diabetes and hypertension that is an opportunity for decision-makers to strengthen health systems and achieve a positive impact on individual well-being and sustainable development.
attachments-24.pdf pdf 4MB

IDF Annual Report 2020

An overview of the main activities and projects of the Federation in 2020. IDF activities aim to influence policy, increase public awareness and encourage health improvement, promote the exchange of high-quality information about diabetes, and provide education for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers.
attachments-25.pdf pdf 8MB
Policy brief

Preventing the Next Pandemic: The Case for Investing in Circulatory Health

A position paper by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health that calls for increased investment in circulatory health to prepare for, or even prevent, the next pandemic. It includes a set of recommendations to support governments in their efforts to prepare for future pandemics during this critical time.
attachments-26.pdf pdf 548KB

IDF Guide to Data-driven Advocacy

The IDF Guide to Data-Driven Advocacy compiles information and advice that will help people interested in diabetes and health-related advocacy to find, interpret and use data for effective diabetes advocacy. It can also be a useful resource for researchers, providing insight on how they can support diabetes advocates to drive change.
attachments-27.pdf pdf 2MB
Policy brief

Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: a Joint Approach to Halt the Rise

A policy brief by IDF and World Obesity Federation that provides diabetes and obesity advocates, healthcare professionals and policymakers with recommendations on the actions required to prevent, manage and treat both conditions effectively.
Policy Briel_Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes_a Joint Approach to Halt the Rise pdf 2MB

IDF Annual Report 2021

An overview of the main activities and projects of the Federation in 2021. These include the IDF Virtual Congress 2021, the 10th edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas and awareness and advocacy activities to mark World Diabetes Day and the centenary of the discovery of insulin.
attachments-29.pdf pdf 16MB
Policy brief

IDF call to action on occasion of the UN High Level Meeting on UHC (2019)

On occasion of the UN HLM on Universal Health Coverage, IDF launched a call to global leaders urging them to leave no one behind and ensure all people with diabetes have access to essential care and medicines at an affordable price.
IDF call to action on occasion of the UN High Level Meeting on UHC pdf 383KB
Consensus statement

IDF Consensus Worldwide Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome

Published in 2006, the IDF Worldwide Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome provides physicians with the tools to quickly identify those at risk and also compare the impact across nations and ethnic groups.
attachments-30.pdf pdf 741KB
Consensus statement

IDF consensus definition of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents

Published in 2005, this first simple, unified definition of the metabolic syndrome for children and adolescents developed by IDF is consistent with that available for adults.
attachments-31.pdf pdf 407KB
Consensus statement

IDF Consensus Statement on Sleep Apnoea and Type 2 Diabetes

Published in 2008, this IDF consensus statement on sleep apnoea and type 2 diabetes aims to raise awareness of the association between the two conditions, which have significant implications on public health and on the lives of individuals.
attachments-32.pdf pdf 374KB

International Curriculum for Diabetes Health Professional Education

Published in 2008, this curriculum is designed to meet the needs of local health professionals, institutions and organisations, and adapted to suit local contexts. It was originally developed in response to the need for health professionals to have specialised, evidenced-based training in diabetes education.
attachments-33.pdf pdf 1MB

International Standards for Education of Diabetes Health Professionals

Published in 2015, The International Standards for Education of Diabetes Health Professionals are intended for use by institutions that currently provide or wish to provide a health professional diabetes education programme.
attachments-34.pdf pdf 226KB

IDF Peer Leader Training Manual

Published in 2011, this training manual is intended to train peer leaders to provide on-going diabetes self-management support (DSMS).
attachments-35.pdf pdf 889KB

KIDS Diabetes Information Pack

The KiDS information pack provides guidelines for the management of children with diabetes and healthy habits to prevent type 2 diabetes. Available for download at

KiDS educational guide on nutrition and diabetes in schools

This guide is an awareness and information tool created to inform teachers, parents of children with diabetes as well as all parents and children of the important role of nutrition in the management and prevention of diabetes. Available for download at

Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Report

Published in 2016, this report presents a clear summary of the problem of measuring cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes, as well as real-world solutions. It aims to facilitate evidenced-based decision making and encourage collaboration between different sectors.
attachments-39.pdf pdf 22MB

Diabetic Retinopathy Barometer

The Diabetic Retinopathy Barometer is a study of almost 7,000 adults with diabetes and health care professionals from 41 countries. It highlights the urgent need for clear patient care pathways and robust, responsive health systems around the world to prevent unnecessary vision loss associated with diabetes.
attachments-41.pdf pdf 37MB

Global survey on Access to Medicines and Supplies for People with Diabetes

In 2016, IDF conducted a global survey on the perspective of people with diabetes and health professionals on access to medicines and supplies for people with diabetes. The report of the findings introduces diabetes and related medicines; provides the perspectives of people with diabetes and health professionals around the world on the availability, access and prices of medicines and supplies; and outlines public health policy solutions.
attachments-43.pdf pdf 6MB

Cost-effective solutions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes

Published in 2016, this report provides an overview of the programmes available to tackle the rise of type 2 diabetes. The wide range of options presented and their cost-saving implications give cause for optimism that the current situation can be reversed.
attachments-44.pdf pdf 15MB

Taking Diabetes to Heart Report

Taking Diabetes to Heart was a multi-country study, developed by IDF in partnership with Novo Nordisk, focused on CVD awareness and knowledge among people living with type 2 diabetes. It's aim was to define the actions required to promote knowledge and awareness of CVD to improve health outcomes and address systemic challenges to healthcare systems.
attachments-45.pdf pdf 6MB

IDF Guide for Diabetes Epidemiology Studies

The IDF Guide for Diabetes Epidemiology Studies has been developed to create standardised epidemiological methods in diabetes studies. It will enable researchers to conduct high-quality studies that generate robust data, thereby providing the information needed to develop evidence-based strategies for improving care and strengthening healthcare systems.
IDF Guide for Diabetes Epidemiology Studies pdf 1MB

Diabetes Eye Health: A guide for health professionals

Guide developed by the International Diabetes Federation and the Fred Hollows Foundation that builds upon the ICO Guidelines for Diabetic Eye Care. This guide encourages and facilitates good diabetes management, early diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye disease, as well encouraging integration and cooperation across the health system.
attachments-46.pdf pdf 4MB

IDF GDM Model of Care Implementation Protocol

The IDF GDM Model of Care was piloted in seven (urban and rural) collaborating health centres in Tamil Nadu State (South India), from June 2012 to December 2015. It was developed using best practice of care and established clinical guidelines.
attachments-47.pdf pdf 1MB

Global Guideline for Managing Older People with Type 2 Diabetes

Published in 2013, this guidelines has been developed to provide health professionals with recommendations that assist in clinical management of a wide range of older adults living with type 2 diabetes.
attachments-48.pdf pdf 988KB

Global Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes

Published in 2012, this guideline represents an update of the first IDF guideline published in 2005, extending the evidence base by including new studies and treatments that emerged since the original guideline.
attachments-49.pdf pdf 563KB

Global IDF/ISPAD Guidelines for Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence

Published in 2009, this guideline developed by IDF and ISPAD outlines the extensive evidence that exists on the optimal management of type 1 diabetes, while highlighting that such care is not reaching many people who could benefit.
attachments-50.pdf pdf 955KB

Management of Postmeal Glucose

Published in 2011, the purpose of this guideline is to consider the evidence on the relationship between postmeal glucose and glycaemic control (HbA1c) and diabetes outcomes. Based on this information, recommendations for the appropriate management and monitoring of postmeal glucose in type 1 and type 2 diabetes have been developed.
attachments-51.pdf pdf 383KB

Oral Health for People with Diabetes

Maintenance of proper oral hygiene for good oral health is an accepted part of the normal recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Poor oral hygiene is associated with gingivitis, which can progress to more severe infection and inflammation leading to periodontitis. Infectious disease is known to be more common in people with diabetes if blood glucose control is poor, and inflammation is known to be associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity and thus potentially a worsening of blood glucose control.

attachments-52.pdf pdf 616KB

Pocketbook for management of diabetes in childhood and adolescence in under-resourced countries, 2nd edition

The Pocketbook provides basic background on diabetes in children and clear advice for initial management of diabetic ketoacidosis, initiation of maintenance insulin therapy, complications screening, and other key components of care. It is aimed for practical use in emergency situations and clinics that are developing expertise in managing diabetes in children.
attachments-56.pdf pdf 1MB

Clinical guideline development

Published in 2003, the Guide for Guidelines is intended for all those involved in the care of people with diabetes that wish to prepare guidelines to assist in the delivery of diabetes care, or who wish to draw on the experience of others in developing such guidelines.
attachments-57.pdf pdf 204KB

Management of gestational diabetes in the community

A training manual for community health workers, developed as part of the IDF Women in India with GDM Strategy (WINGS).
attachments-58.pdf pdf 1,017KB

Having a baby? Now is the time to learn more about gestational diabetes

An educational manual with information and advice on having a healthy baby.
attachments-59.pdf pdf 1MB

IDF WINGS Project Summary Report

The IDF Women in India with GDM Strategy (WINGS) project was the first-ever strategy to tackle the rising prevalence of GDM in India. It aimed to develop a context-adapted model approach to care in low-resource settings, confronting the widespread challenges in GDM screening and management.
attachments-60.pdf pdf 2MB

IDF Clinical Practice Recommendations on the Diabetic Foot 2017

Simplified and easy to digest guidelines for health professionals, aimed at prioritising early intervention in the diabetic foot with a sense of urgency through education.
attachments-61.pdf pdf 6MB

Diabetic Foot Screening Pocket Chart

Pocket chart with information for health professionals to identify, assess and treat diabetic foot patients earlier in the "window of presentation" between when neuropathy is diagnosed and prior to developing an ulcer. The content is derived from the IDF Clinical Practice Recommendations on the Diabetic Foot 2017.
attachments-62.pdf pdf 4MB

IDF Clinical Practice Recommendations for Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care

Published in 2017, these Clinical Practice Recommendations for healthcare professionals summarise current evidence around optimal management of people with type 2 diabetes.
T2D-primary-care.pdf pdf 3MB

IDF Clinical Practice Recommendations for Managing DME

Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is a potential complication of diabetic retinopathy that currently affects more than 28 million people with diabetes. These Clinical Practice Recommendations are intended to facilitate the work of general practitioners, hospital physicians, and other clinicians working in diabetes-related eye disease management.
Clinical Practice Recommendations for Managing DME pdf 408KB

IDF SACA Clinical Practice Guideline on Diabetes Education

Produced by the IDF South and Central America (SACA) Region with the aim of standardising evidence-based educational practices to improve the health and well-being of people with diabetes.
attachments-64.pdf pdf 2MB

IDF WPR Diabetes Care and Disasters Manual 2nd Edition 2022

This manual identifies means to reduce the negative impact of natural disasters and promotes the sharing of knowledge to increase community resilience to natural disasters. The second edition includes substantial updates informed by recent disaster experience learnings.
link to Download

Become a Blue Circle Voice

BCV is an inclusive network for people with diabetes and their carers who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those affected by diabetes. BCV's leaflet, available in English, French, and Spanish, provides comprehensive information on the criteria for membership.
BCV_leaflet_cover_English pdf 2MB

YLD Framework

Young people comprise 5% of people with diabetes and are often overlooked in policy-making. The IDF Young Leaders in Diabetes (YLD) Programme aims to empower young people with diabetes through training and mentoring. YLDs share IDF values and are committed to raising awareness about diabetes, prevention, education, quality care, improved quality of life, and ending stigma globally.
Call to action

IDF Call to Action 2019 – UN HLM UHC

On behalf of people living with and affected by diabetes, IDF's call to action requests national governments to develop a health-in-all-policies approach to achieve UHC by 2030.
UHC_call_to_action_EN[1] pdf 383KB

DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR)

The iCaReMe registry is the continuation of the DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR) with an expansion on cardio-renal complications. DGR provides valuable insight into people with type 2 diabetes undergoing treatment in clinical practice. This registry helps to understand the patterns and effects of treatment approaches on cardio-renal-metabolic multimorbidities. It also aims to increase the real-world evidence base established by the DISCOVER study.
iCaReMe DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR) pdf 2MB

iCaReMe registry study outcomes

These posters from 2021 - 2023 present data findings from the iCaReMe study.
TakeCaReofMe Posters 2021-2023 pdf 4MB

iCaReMe registry: gaps in early diagnosis

Take CaReofMe is a subset of the iCaReMe registry. It is an initial study on the gaps in early diagnosis of cardiorenal complications among people with type 2 diabetes from six countries.
Take CaRe of Me Programme pdf 712KB

iCaReMe registry: CRF completion guideline

This guideline explains step-by-step how to use the iCaReMe electronic case report forms (CRF), which gives real-world data for healthcare professionals on patient management and quality of care.
CRF Completion Guideline pdf 6MB

iCaReMe registry tool: RWE Box

The RWE (Real World Evidence) Box is the iCaReMe registry data capture, management and analytics tool. It enables clinical, medical and real-world evidence research.
RWE Box Introduction 2021 (1) pdf 4MB

WHA76 statement - Universal Health Coverage

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement UHC pdf 259KB

WHA76 statement: Policy options and cost-effective interventions for the prevention and control of NCDs

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 13.2 Appendix 3 IAPB pdf 186KB

WHA76 statement: Strengthening rehabilitation in health systems

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 13.4 rehabilitation pdf 394KB

WHA76 statement: Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 15.1 emergency preparedness and response pdf 160KB

WHA76 statement: Well-being and health promotion

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 16.1 well-being pdf 297KB

WHA76 statement: Social determinants of health

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 16.3 social determinants of health pdf 565KB
Position paper

The Road to UHC: Why integration of circulatory health interventions in primary care is essential

A position paper launched by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health (GCCH) calling for the integration of circulatory health interventions in primary care as part of national UHC plans.
The Road to UHC pdf 876KB

Diabetes and Covid-19: the risks of poor blood glucose control

An infographic highlighting the increased vulnerability of people living with diabetes to the severe outcomes of Covid-19 when blood glucose is not well-controlled.
IDF Atlas COVID Infographic-Final pdf 549KB

Type 1 diabetes: a condition that impacts all ages

An infographic highlighting the rising prevalence of type 1 diabetes across the world and the importance of ensuring regular and affordable access to care to manage the condition.
IDF Atlas T1D infographic pdf 1MB

Type 1 diabetes estimates in children and adults

This IDF Diabetes Atlas report provides an overview of the methodology and findings of the Type 1 Diabetes Index and dispels misconceptions that type 1 diabetes primarily impacts children and youth.
link to Download

Diabetes-related foot complications

This IDF Diabetes Atlas Report looks at the prevalence of diabetes-foot related complications around the world and makes recommendations to support future research.
link to Download

Diabetes and COVID-19

A systematic review of the likelihood of adverse COVID-19 outcomes in relation to glycaemic control, blood glucose levels on admission to hospital, and diabetes subtype.
link to Download

Diabetes among indigenous peoples

This IDF Diabetes Atlas Report provides a summary of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among indigenous peoples across all age groups.
link to Download

IDF Strategic Plan 2023-26

This strategic plan outlines the priorities and goals that will inform and guide the activities of the International Diabetes Federation over the next three years.
IDF Strategic Plan 2023-26 pdf 354KB

IDF response to proposed withdrawal of diabetes technical regulations in Mexico

A letter by the IDF President requesting clarification on the proposed withdrawal and assurance that people with diabetes in Mexico will not experience disruptions in the care and services they need.
Mexico NOM - letter to Secretary of Health pdf 152KB
Policy brief

Renewing the fight: a call to action on diabetes and chronic kidney disease

A policy brief developed by IDF and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) to offer healthcare professionals and diabetes advocates recommendations targeted at policymakers for effectively preventing, managing and treating diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD).
IDF-ISN Policy Brief-Renewing the Fight_ a call to action on diabetes and chronic kidney disease pdf 11MB

IDF Annual Report 2022

An overview of IDF activities and projects in 2022, including the IDF World Diabetes Congress 2022, new IDF Diabetes Atlas reports and the IDF Centenary of Insulin award.
IDF_Annual_Report_2022_Final pdf 9MB

Diabetes-related foot complications: understanding the global impact

An infographic illustrating the global impact of diabetes-related foot complications and highlighting that standardized and structured diabetes foot care is effective. However, in many countries, these complications remain the most common, costly, and serious issues for people with diabetes.
Atlas Diabetic Foot Infographic final pdf 330KB

Diabetes among Indigenous Peoples: A disproportionate impact

An infographic on diabetes among Indigenous Peoples highlighting that diabetes is one of the most common conditions that disproportionately impacts Indigenous Peoples worldwide.
Atlas Indigenous Peoples Infographic final pdf 335KB

Putting circulatory diseases at the heart of Universal Health Coverage

A policy brief with recommendations to expand coverage of essential services for circulatory conditions at the primary health care level and support national efforts to achieve UHC.
Putting circulatory diseases at the heart of UHC pdf 792KB

Breaking barriers for better access to diabetes care

Report of the IDF side event to the 76th World Health Assembly held on 23 May, 2023 in Geneva.
Report IDF event WHA 2023 pdf 1MB
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
Tobacco and diabetes Knowledge Summary pdf 433KB

Diabetes and kidney disease

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD), with up to 40% of people living with diabetes affected by CKD. This IDF Diabetes Atlas report looks at the relationship between diabetes and kidney disease across the globe and ways to reduce its impact.
link to Download

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: follow-up on the prevention and control of NCDs

Statement highlighting the need for more political commitment, policy coherence and resources to address the NCD pandemic.
EB154 - Constituency Statement on HLM on NCDs pdf 330KB

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: Universal Health Coverage

Statement highlighting the need to prioritise essential circulatory health services in UHC benefit packages to protect individuals and households from catastrophic out-of-pocket expenses.
EB154 - GCCH Constituency Statement on UHC pdf 193KB

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: WHO’s work in health emergencies

Statement urging Member States to recognise people living with NCDs as a vulnerable population across WHO's work in health emergencies.
EB154 - Constituency statement on WHO work on health emergencies pdf 292KB
Online course

Type 2 Diabetes and the Heart

This free 30-minute course explores the impact of diabetes on heart health, focusing on how high glucose levels can affect the blood vessels and lead to heart issues.
link to Access the course
Online course

Type 1 Diabetes: Overview, Treatments and Targets

This free 25-30 min course offers an overview of what type 1 diabetes is, how it develops, the necessity of daily insulin, and the effects of lifestyle factors on blood glucose levels.
link to Access the course
Online course

Insulin and how to use it safely

In this free 25-30 minutes course you will learn what insulin is and why people living with type 1 diabetes and some people living with type 2 and gestational diabetes need to take it.
link to Access the course
Policy brief

Diabetic Retinopathy: A Call for Global Action

A policy brief developed by IDF and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) that advocates for a joint approach to prevent and manage vision loss in people living with diabetes by integrating diabetic retinopathy (DR) care into diabetes policies and national health plans.
IAPB-IDF Policy brief - Diabetic retinopathy: a call for global action pdf 4MB

WHO WHA77 Constituency Statement: NCDA constituency statement NCDs

Statement that calls on the upcoming HLM on NCDs in 2025 to deliver an honest review, make strong political commitments, and reset the NCD agenda to 2030 and beyond.
WHA77 Agenda Item 11.2 NCDA constituency statement NCDs pdf 347KB

WHO WHA77 Constituency Statement: Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)

Statement urging Member States to recognise people living with NCDs as a vulnerable population across WHO work in health emergencies.
WHA77 Agenda Item 13.4 NCDA constituency statement INB pdf 258KB

WHO WHA77 Constituency Statement: Climate and Health

Statement that urges decisive action through rapid implementation of a strong, comprehensive resolution and WHO Global Plan of Action of Climate Change and Health.
WHA77 Agenda Item 15.4 Constituency Statement on Climate and Health [WHF] pdf 356KB

WHO WHA77 Constituency Statement: Universal Health Coverage

Statement that highlights the need to prioritize essential circulatory health services in UHC benefit packages.
WHA77 Agenda Item 11.1 Constituency Statement on UHC [WHF] pdf 249KB
Online course

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Free online course for health professionals that provides the latest evidence-based clinical recommendations for the management of cardiovascular complications in people with diabetes.
link to Access the course
Online course

Diabetic retinopathy

Free online course for healthcare professionals that looks at the complications, risk factors and pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy (DR), as well as recommended diagnostic tests and management strategies for DR.
Online course

Management of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)

Free online course for healthcare professionals that covers classification, screening and making referrals for DME, with an overview of risk factors and treatment recommendations.
Online course

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Designed for people living with diabetes and their caregivers, this free 30-minute online course focuses on the role of CGM in diabetes management and provides practical information and tips on CGM use.
link to Access the course

IDF Annual Report 2023

An overview of IDF activities and projects in 2023, including stronger strategic partnerships, a new IDF Diabetes Atlas report and the launch of the IDF Advocacy Academy.
IDF Annual Report 2023 pdf 4MB
Online course

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Designed for healthcare professionals, this 60-minute free online course offers an in-depth exploration of CGM, detailing the various types and their functionalities.
link to Access the course

Diabetes and Ramadan: Practical Guidelines 2021

These guidelines are intended to provide real-world recommendations to health professionals to support people with diabetes who choose to fast during Ramadan.
IDF_DaR_Practical_Guidelines_Ramadan pdf 12MB

Diabetes and Ramadan: Guide to a Safe Fast

This guide for people with diabetes who choose to fast during Ramadan provides information on the associated risks and complications of fasting and tips on blood glucose monitoring during a fast.
link to pdf 350kb
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary (French)

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
Tabac et diabète pdf 510KB
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary (Spanish)

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
Tabaco y diabetes pdf 500KB
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary (China)

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
烟草和糖尿病 pdf 638KB
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary (Russian)

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
Табак и диабет pdf 485KB
Policy brief

Tobacco and diabetes knowledge summary (Arabic)

A brief, jointly developed by WHO, the International Diabetes Federation and the University of Newcastle, that summarises the association between tobacco use and diabetes and describes the effectiveness of interventions to reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related complications.
9789240089587-ara pdf 496KB

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Advocacy Resources

Download our free guide to diabetes advocacy organisations supporting people living with diabetes. We regularly update and expand this information.
CGM Advocacy Resources pdf 449KB

How real-world evidence can help tackle the global burden of diabetes and chronic kidney disease

In this episode of D-Talk, host Phyllisa Deroze welcomes Professors Mustafa Arici and Ruben Silva Tinoco to explore how the iCaReMe registry can bridge gaps in early diagnosis and prevent diabetes-related kidney disease (CKD).
link to LISTEN
Online course

Biosimilar insulins

Free IDF School of Diabetes online course for healthcare professionals that provides the latest advanced guidelines on the availability of affordable insulin options and the effective use of biosimilars to support diabetes management and promote self-management.
link to
Online course

Type 2 diabetes - Oral agents fact-checking

A free IDF School of Diabetes online course for healthcare professionals that provides a customised set of modules on the management of type 2 diabetes using oral glucose-lowering agents.
link to

KiDS global survey on government policies addressing diabetes at school

In 2024, IDF invited its member associations to participate in a global survey on the reach of diabetes-related educational initiatives and policies in schools, to identify gaps and determine which countries have a policy implementation plan or policy and which do not.
KiDS Member Survey Report-Final pdf 4MB
Online course

Nerve health and diabetes

Free online course designed for people with diabetes and their carers to help understand the impact of diabetes on nerve health and delay or prevent nerve complications.
link to Access the course

Advocating for diabetes initiatives in the Region of the Americas (English)

This leaflet is for IDF Members, diabetes associations, health advocates, policymakers, and others interested in diabetes care in the Americas. It aims to provide key information on interventions to improve access to quality diabetes care and highlight their potential to improve lives, while strengthening advocacy efforts for their implementation.
PAHO Leaflet-Final pdf 2MB

Advocating for diabetes initiatives in the Region of the Americas (Spanish)

This leaflet is for IDF Members, diabetes associations, health advocates, policymakers, and others interested in diabetes care in the Americas. It aims to provide key information on interventions to improve access to quality diabetes care and highlight their potential to improve lives, while strengthening advocacy efforts for their implementation.
PAHO Leaflet-Final-Spanish pdf 3MB
Policy brief

Access to essential medicines, diagnostics and medical devices for NCDs

A policy brief developed by the NCD Alliance, NCD Policy Lab and the University of Geneva that focuses on fully integrating essential medicines, diagnostics and medical devices for NCDs into UHC, ahead of the 4th UN High-level Meeting on NCDs.
Access_To_Medicines_For_NCDs pdf 15MB