
WHA76 statement - Universal Health Coverage

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement UHC pdf 259KB

WHA76 statement: Policy options and cost-effective interventions for the prevention and control of NCDs

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 13.2 Appendix 3 IAPB pdf 186KB

WHA76 statement: Strengthening rehabilitation in health systems

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 13.4 rehabilitation pdf 394KB

WHA76 statement: Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 15.1 emergency preparedness and response pdf 160KB

WHA76 statement: Well-being and health promotion

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 16.1 well-being pdf 297KB

WHA76 statement: Social determinants of health

Statement supported by IDF during the 76th World Health Assembly, May 21-30 2023.
WHA76 statement 16.3 social determinants of health pdf 565KB

IDF response to proposed withdrawal of diabetes technical regulations in Mexico

A letter by the IDF President requesting clarification on the proposed withdrawal and assurance that people with diabetes in Mexico will not experience disruptions in the care and services they need.
Mexico NOM - letter to Secretary of Health pdf 152KB

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: follow-up on the prevention and control of NCDs

Statement highlighting the need for more political commitment, policy coherence and resources to address the NCD pandemic.
EB154 - Constituency Statement on HLM on NCDs pdf 330KB

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: Universal Health Coverage

Statement highlighting the need to prioritise essential circulatory health services in UHC benefit packages to protect individuals and households from catastrophic out-of-pocket expenses.
EB154 - GCCH Constituency Statement on UHC pdf 193KB

WHO EB154 Constituency Statement: WHO’s work in health emergencies

Statement urging Member States to recognise people living with NCDs as a vulnerable population across WHO's work in health emergencies.
EB154 - Constituency statement on WHO work on health emergencies pdf 292KB