
YLD Framework

Young people comprise 5% of people with diabetes and are often overlooked in policy-making. The IDF Young Leaders in Diabetes (YLD) Programme aims to empower young people with diabetes through training and mentoring. YLDs share IDF values and are committed to raising awareness about diabetes, prevention, education, quality care, improved quality of life, and ending stigma globally.

Become a Blue Circle Voice

BCV is an inclusive network for people with diabetes and their carers who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those affected by diabetes. BCV's leaflet, available in English, French, and Spanish, provides comprehensive information on the criteria for membership.
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IDF Response to the 3rd UN HLM on NCDs Political Declaration

The Third UN High Level Meeting (HLM) on NCDs took place on September 27, 2018, in New York. Although IDF welcomed several aspects of the Political Declaration, it also regretted some notable omissions. This report provides a detailed response to the Political Declaration.
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Policy brief

IDF policy recommendations to improve diabetes care

On the occasion of the BRICS Leaders Summit in China, 3-5 September 2017, IDF worked with its Members and BCV members in Brazil, South Africa and Russia to develop policy recommendations to improve access to diabetes care in their countries.
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Policy brief

Perspectives of people living with diabetes

In December 2016, IDF held a consultation with the Blue Circle Voices (BCV) network to establish the priorities of the network. The main issues identified by BCV members were access and affordability of medicines, devices and medical care; education; prevention and discrimination. This document presents the four priorities with an IDF call to action to governments to improve them.
attachments-12.pdf pdf 914KB
Policy brief

Integrating Diabetes Evidence into Practice

This publication of the IDF Europe Region identifies the local and European-wide challenges of implementing diabetes evidence into practice and makes recommendations based on the findings.
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