90m adults are living with diabetes in SEA

IDF South-East Asia

Including seven countries and territories, representing 11 diabetes organisations.

Elected IDF Representatives for the SACA Region 2023-24:

Prof. Azad Khan

Regional Chair

Dr. Banshi Saboo

Regional Chair-Elect

IDF South-East Asia members

Diabetic Association of Bangladesh
Discipline is Life - Faridpur Diabetic Association
Faridpur Diabetic Association
Bangladesh Endocrine Society
Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India
Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India
The Research Trust of DiabetesIndia
Diabetic Association of India
Diabetes Society of Maldives
Diabetes Society of Maldives
Diabetes Foundation Mauritius
Mauritius Diabetes Association
Nepal Diabetes Association
Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka
Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka

Diabetes in SEA 2021

90 million adults (20-79)

are living with diabetes

46 million adults

with diabetes are undiagnosed

1 in 4 live births

are affected by hyperglycaemia in pregnancy

Download regional fact sheet
47m adults with impaired glucose tolerance
1 in 2 adults are undiagnosed