24m Adults are living with diabetes in Africa

IDF Africa

The IDF Africa Region (AFR) includes 48 diverse sub-Saharan countries and territories and currently represents 32 diabetes organisations in 27 countries.

Elected representatives for the IDF Africa Region 2023-24:

Jacko Abodo, Côte d'Ivoire

Regional Chair

Elizabeth Denyoh, Ghana

Regional Chair-Elect

IDF Africa

Diabetes Association of Botswana
Association Burkinabè d’Action contre le Diabète (ABAD)
Burundian Diabetes Association

Diabetes in Africa 2021

24 million adults (20-79)

are living with diabetes

13 million adults

with diabetes are undiagnosed

1 in 8 live births

are affected by hyperglycaemia in pregnancy

Download the regional fact sheet
52m adults have impaired glucose tolerance
54% of diabetes is undiagnosed